# Generated by rust2rpm 17 # The test suite is not support on arm and i686 # https://github.com/rust-lang/packed_simd#platform-support %ifnarch %{arm} %{ix86} %bcond_without check %endif %global debug_package %{nil} %global crate packed_simd_2 Name: rust-%{crate} Version: 0.3.5 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Portable Packed SIMD vectors # Upstream license specification: MIT/Apache-2.0 License: MIT or ASL 2.0 URL: https://crates.io/crates/packed_simd_2 Source: %{crates_source} # Initial patched metadata # Relax wasm-bindgen dependencies # Replace libm dep with num-traits # Bump paste to 1 Patch0: packed_simd_2-fix-metadata.diff # Indirectly update to libm 0.2 # Inspired by https://github.com/dimforge/alga/pull/93 # https://github.com/rust-lang/packed_simd/pull/335 Patch1: 0001-Indirectly-update-to-libm-0.2.patch # To use newer cfg-if # https://github.com/rust-lang/packed_simd/commit/db8810eea596e38ee3d95bbe00d61ad78f92e736 Patch2: 0001-Update-cgf-if-and-a-few-fix.patch # To use newer paste # https://github.com/rust-lang/packed_simd/pull/333 Patch3: 0001-Bump-paste-to-1.patch ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches} %if %{__cargo_skip_build} BuildArch: noarch %endif BuildRequires: rust-packaging %global _description %{expand: Portable Packed SIMD vectors.} %description %{_description} %package devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "%{crate}" crate. %files devel %license LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE-MIT %doc contributing.md README.md %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/ %package -n %{name}+default-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+default-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "default" feature of "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+default-devel %ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml %package -n %{name}+core_arch-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+core_arch-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "core_arch" feature of "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+core_arch-devel %ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml %package -n %{name}+into_bits-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+into_bits-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "into_bits" feature of "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+into_bits-devel %ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml %package -n %{name}+libcore_neon-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+libcore_neon-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "libcore_neon" feature of "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+libcore_neon-devel %ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml %package -n %{name}+sleef-sys-devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{name}+sleef-sys-devel %{_description} This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use "sleef-sys" feature of "%{crate}" crate. %files -n %{name}+sleef-sys-devel %ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml %prep %autosetup -n %{crate}-%{version_no_tilde} -p1 %cargo_prep %generate_buildrequires %cargo_generate_buildrequires %build %cargo_build %install %cargo_install %if %{with check} %check %cargo_test %endif %changelog * Fri Sep 17 18:33:31 CEST 2021 Robert-André Mauchin - 0.3.5-1 - Initial package