# Generated by go2rpm 1.9.0 %bcond_without check %global debug_package %{nil} # https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/json %global goipath sigs.k8s.io/json %global forgeurl https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/json %global commit bc3834ca7abd3a90f03ef00a27ad80cb892f9c21 %gometa %global gosupfiles ${testfiles[@]} %global common_description %{expand: Golang JSON decoder supporting case-sensitive, number-preserving, and strict decoding use cases.} %global golicenses LICENSE %global godocs CONTRIBUTING.md README.md SECURITY.md code-of-\\\ conduct.md Name: %{goname} Version: 0 Release: %autorelease -p Summary: Golang JSON decoder supporting case-sensitive, number-preserving, and strict decoding use cases License: Apache-2.0 URL: %{gourl} Source: %{gosource} %description %{common_description} %gopkg %prep %goprep %autopatch -p1 %generate_buildrequires %go_generate_buildrequires %install mapfile -t testfiles <<< $(find $(find . -iname 'testdata' -type d) -type f) %gopkginstall %if %{with check} %check %gocheck %endif %gopkgfiles %changelog %autochangelog